Hello, computers for seniors from Orange

The operator Orange today launches "Hello", an all in one computer to a public neophyte as seniors for example. The device uses a design very "Apple" is sold at 1 € with a package of 24 months including the ADSL connection and the France Telecom.

At a technical level, the computer is based on a Linux / Debian and offers a simplified interface and ultra-intuitive. The machine is pre-set with customer information.

The names of the applications has been simplified to be immediately identified by users unfamiliar with computers (eg "text" = writing paper).

The ergonomic keyboard has also been simplified. It includes:
- Shortcut keys to directly access the home page and services
- Keys more easily identifiable by their names ( "checkout line" to the key entry) or drawings (scissors to cut the key symbol)
- A key remote support

The three types of job Hello

• € 29.90 per month for 3 months and € 39.90 per month with a commitment of 24 months for 1 € TTC pack *****
• € 29.90 per month for 3 months and € 39.90 per month with a 12-month € 169 + VAT for the pack *****
• 549 € (without internet access) for the purchase of one pack (computer with modem)

Source : MobiFrance

Hello, computers for seniors from Orange Hello, computers for seniors from Orange Reviewed by Kaisar Woll on 7:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. The most important was that she had to be able to afford the apartment on her own, since neither we nor my sister-in-law could afford to supplement her social security. If possible, since she wouldn't know anyone, we were hoping that there would be a social calendar for her to get involved with or a senior center close by.



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